We, the members and attenders of Charlotte Friends Meeting, offer the following minute on climate change:

We acknowledge the grave and worsening crisis of all the interacting variables included in the phrase “climate change.” We are inspired by this statement by Charlotte Friend Robert Oberg, “Climate change is the most critical issue facing us, apart from the consciousness that created it.” We recognize the urgency of a response from our Friends’ community.

We come to this moment grounded in the testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends. The testimonies of community, equality, stewardship and integrity call us forward in our work. We recognize that, both globally and locally, peace is increasingly linked to climate justice.

With deep concern for Earth and all the life it supports, we are motivated by our love of our children, recognizing that their futures are in our hands. We affirm the Native American advice: “In all our deliberations, let us consider to the seventh generation.”

We know that there is much about these times that can cause us to feel fearful, angry and helpless. We will be gentle with ourselves and take time for our feelings as we continue the work, knowing that we are a part of the rising tide of thousands around the world, who, in the words of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, “seek an earth restored.”

We, the Friends of Charlotte Meeting, commit to the following:

  1. We continue to seek the Light through worship and prayerful consideration. We shall be led by the Spirit in the face of climate change.

  2. We seek to understand the role we play as humans, and the dangers unfolding through climate change. We continue to educate ourselves rigorously on these matters.

  3. We commit to act on our responsibility, both in personal use of resources and in the management of our meetinghouse resources. We ask: How can we have greater integrity in these matters?

  4. We commit to learning about and engaging in collective action and advocacy at the local, state, national and global levels.

  5. We seek to be examples and patterns, carrying this message forward to other Friends communities and to others who carry a concern and love for Earth.

    We are grateful for the many in this meeting who carry our concern forward. Thank you, Friends. 

Approved March 2018